Received Comments

Since the novel has been published I have been fortunate to receive a lot of feedback from my readers. Here are some of the comments that have been made:

  • "I thoroughly enjoyed the Berlin Assignment. The descriptions of Berlin during the reunification were so vivid that I could picture the various locations. The story moved on so well that it kept me reading and I really liked the twists and turns, just when I thought I knew what was going to happen to Tony!!"
  • "I was fascinated by your book, very gripping from beginning to end, the love story and the spy story ... the historical background of the time, the east-west feeling. You described it so well."
  • "A depiction of our foreign service that I certainly recognized! Hanbury's character was developed well and I enjoyed the description of others ... the Britser, the Germans and other dips on the sidelines. Of course what it said about Berlin and Berliners during the 90s was good and there was some important social commentary that flowed from the characters. The judgements (except for the Brits) were not clear cut which is just the way life is. ... It was a good story but more than a story... good characters (one was left questioning about individual worth) and a good look at Berlin society (and diplomatic life of which you obviously had a realistic assessement as you conceived the novel.)"
  • "I read The Berlin Assignment on the weekend. Written with energy, grace and humour. Your portrait of the mad Brit spook is superb."
  • "I am half way through The Berlin Assignment and I love it. It is somewhat LeCarre like, but I find your characters deeper. I hope it has been well reviewed and is selling - it deserves to be a best seller in my view."
  • "I read your book with admiration ... You have a fine sense of place and period ... I have never visited Berlin but your descriptions kept me involved and made me feel that I did."
  • "I have been meaning to tell you that I finished the book - a real page turner at the end. I liked the pacing throughout. The finish was great. The characters are marvellous."
  • "I had the chance to read The Berlin Assignment over the holidays and I found it a wonderful read. ... The German context to my untrained eye is extremely well done, displaying great sensitivity and an understanding of time and place. A great work which provided great enjoyment."
  • "Congratulations, it is a very good read and you tied up an awful lot of loose ends very masterfully. I got several good chuckles — sea shells and Costa Rica ... which must have caused my neighbours on various planes to wonder why the laughter."
  • "I am fascinated by your book, at several levels. It is gripping in its opening section. Fine craftsmanship! It offers splendid insight -- and your humor is gentle but striking. All this makes a wonderful read."
  • "... read and enjoyed the book ... Found the description of the use of the Stasi files to be very interesting, funny and disturbing."
  • "... I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed "The Berlin Assignment." I particularly liked how well you described the atmosphere in Berlin both before the wall fell and after. It really almost made me feel like I was actually there! I also liked the fact that the "hero" of the book, Anthony Hanbury, really is no hero but some guy just trying to get along, like the rest of us. So thanks for the good read ... "